eLeathanach is a weekly newsletter published by Maynooth University during the fall and spring semesters. These newsletters are useful for students to learn new words and phrases, to practice reading and to practice conversation by writing your own questions or comments.
Alt 1 (Article 1): Peter Rogers
Stór Focal (Vocabulary):
Ainmfhocail (Nouns): tiománaí (driver), na Stáit Aontaithe (the United States), carr (car), bronntanas (present), custaiméir (customer), obair (work), bliain (year), clú agus cáil (fame and reputation), baile (home), leasainm (nickname), muintir na háite (local people), comhrá (conversation), fadhbanna (problems)
Frásaí (Phrases): ar feadh (during), darb ainm (called), tar éis (after), mar sin (therefore)
Briathra (Verbs): fuair (got), rinne (did/made), glaonn (call/calls), dúirt (said), go raibh (that was/were), cheannaigh (bought)
Aidiachtaí (Adjectives): crua (hard), nua (new)
Focail eile (Other words): as (out of), sna (in the), mar (as), ó (from), tríocha (thirty), air (on him), eatarthu (between them), aige (at him), lena (with his), dó (to/for him)
Alt (Article):
Is tiománaí é Peter Rogers as Tipton, Indiana, sna Stáit Aontaithe, agus fuair sé carr mar bhronntanas ó chustaiméir as an obair chrua a rinne sé ar feadh tríocha bliain.
Tá clú agus cáil air sa bhaile agus tá leasainm air: glaonn muintir na háite “Mr Smiley” air.
Fuair Peter Rogers an bronntanas ó chustaiméir darb ainm Tanner Langley tar éis comhrá eatarthu. Dúirt Rogers go raibh fadhbanna aige lena charr. Mar sin, cheannaigh Langely carr nua dó.