Welcome to Irish Language Learners! (Fáilte go Foghlaimeoirí na Gaeilge!)


Irish Language Learners promotes, teaches and supports the learning and use of the Irish Language globally.


Become a Member and learn from our website and Facebook posts:  (only $40/year) Join now!



Irish Language Learners Square Market for learning books, sponsorship, etc.

and Irish Language Learners Bonfire for Irish language t-shirts and mugs

and Irish Language Learners Youtube for some learning videos


Spring 2025 Online Classes (via Zoom)

Study Irish with us in a fun, casual and progressive manner.  Online classes available Monday through Saturday for New Beginners, Continuing Beginner (A1-A2 Level) and Intermediate Learners (B1-B2 Level).  FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR DAYS, TIMES AND SIGN UP


To set-up a new class, tutoring or a group lunch & learn session, please email us at [email protected]