For several years Irish Language Learners has been thrilled to collaborate with Saotharlann in bringing you the Saotharlann Doodles to help you to build your Irish Language Vocabulary and to inspire you to learn Irish. Doodles like this one for Oíche Shamhna have been shared all over social media but orignated here in collaboration between two Irish Language Learners. While Saotharlann is on a hiatus, perhaps with your financial support, she will again continue the journey to bring you creativity and the Irish language together. Join now to get easy access to all of the doodles and many other lessons here at Irish Language Learners.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to join and say a special thanks to Saotharlann at the same time for the countless hours of work, please use the coupon code: THANKS upon registration and checkout to send a $10 tip along with your membership. Bígí linn!